Should you need medical assistance during your stay on board, the medical staff is available 24 hours a day. Our shipboard Medical Centers meet or exceed the Medical Facilities Guidelines established by the International Council of Cruise Lines and the American College of Emergency Physicians. The medical staff is from the fields of Emergency Medicine and/or Family Practice and is certified in Advanced Cardiac Life Support.
Our Physicians are independent contractors and, as such, are entitled to render services at a customary charge. The charge for their services and any other medical expenses will be applied to the guest’s Sail & Sign Account. Should you require hospitalization, surgery or treatment for a serious condition, we will make arrangements to transfer you to a medical facility ashore. The ability to transfer you to a shore-side facility may be limited or delayed by weather or logistical conditions. If you are referred to a shore-side facility, Carnival will not be responsible for the cost of the treatment. We recommend you to take out travel health insurance that will compensate the costs up to an agreed amount.
Should you are currently suffering from a serious medical condition, please contact your attending physician prior to sailing. If you are taking medication or want the medical staff to be aware of special needs, please fill out the “Special Requirements Form” and send it to us via fax.
If you come down with a contagious disease, or even suspect a contagious disease, you are required to report to the ship’s Medical Center for the safety of everyone on board.
Please take all your medicaments with you (in your handbag) so that they are always available in case of an emergency. Don´t leave them in checked luggage because you don´t always have access to it.
If you are taking prescription medicaments, vitamins or other drugs regularly, please bring an appropriate supply on board because we cannot guarantee to have all these medicaments available or to get them in the next port. The most common over-the-counter medicaments can be purchased at the Medical Center.
Seasickness is rare on large cruise ships. All our ships are equipped with stabilizers which ensure that the ship is lying quietly in the water. Should you feel ill nonetheless, medicaments will be available from the Information Desk, the Room Service or the Medical Center free of charge.